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Cahuilla Lodge and National Order of the Arrow Programs

The Order of the Arrow and Cahuilla Lodge # 127 both offer a multitude of programs for Scouts and Scouters.

Without programs, the Order of the Arrow wouldn't be complete and the OA has much to offer Troops, Teams and individuals Scouts.

Not sure what the Order of the Arrow has to offer? Besides the personal experience of being part of a proud Honor Society, you can sharpen your leadership skills, work with others to solve problems, and brainstorm with others to help make the organization as strong as it can be.

Chapter Assistance Program

Cahuilla Lodge #127 has adapted our Chapter Assistance Program from Wauna La-Mon'tay Lodge #442's Chapter Assistance Program. This program has been changed to suit the needs of our lodge and uses the initial concept and name of the Chapter Assistance Program as administered by Lodge #442. It is designed to strengthen our chapters by providing the necessary resources and facilitating collaboration among the chapters for ensuring their success.

The program consists of self-assessments and semi-annual goal setting at the chapter level, review of methods and procedures, resource guides (e.g. the Chapter Assistance Program Plan Book), and help from the lodge and neighboring chapters. The theory is simple: chapters within the lodge should work together to ensure a quality program for its members. In doing so, greater consistency and continuous improvement year-to-year is facilitated, and new ideas assimilated into the chapter program. The ultimate goal is increased communication, participation, and retention at the chapter level.

For most lodges, the chapter is their closest link to their members. The Chapter is what holds our lodge together. Without chapters, a lodge of our size would not be able to properly serve the youth of our council. That is why this program is being implemented, to better serve the youth of our council.


Part of what makes the Order of the Arrow such an attractive program are the ceremonies performed by our members. Ceremonies attract Scouts and Scouters alike. It is also one of the best ways to get youth involved in our program immediately.

The Ceremony Expert Program is designed to help foster an atmosphere of achievement among participating youth and adults in memorizing, preparing, and performing ceremonial events. To achieve the certification, youth will need to be certified as an individual and as a team.

Elangomat / Nimat Program

The word Elangomat is translated as "friend" from the Lenne Lenape. Thus, an elangomat serves as a friend to the new ordeal candidate. The elangomat takes the four tests just like the candidates, and works closely with them throughout the Ordeal.

The Elangomat's work doesn't stop there. Ideally, the elangomat continues to work with the new Ordeal members throughout their year as an Ordeal member. He makes sure they are giving meaningful service to their unit, to Scouting, and to the Order.

Once the candidate has reached 10 months of membership in the Order, the Elangomat works with those candidates to help them seal their ties of brotherhood. The Elangomat/Nimat Guide helps the Elangomat with this program.

Golden Arrow

Be Active - Save Money!

For a fee of set by the LEC you will be enrolled in what is the Lodges coveted group of Arrowpersons.

All of the Lodge's big annual events are pre-paid. All you do is confirm by phone your desire to attend and your fee will be paid by the lodge out of a special account. Here what's covered: Annual Dues - All Ordeals - Fall Fellowship - Lodge Banquet

In addition, you will receive two special lodge flaps different than the regular issue to wear in pride. All proceeds will be used for your lodge's effort in camp improvement such as: building, remodeling, ground work, etc. A portion will be placed in reserve for possible endowment in the lodge's name with the council.

Order of the Arrow Troop/Team Representative

The Order of the Arrow Representative is a youth serving his troop/team as the primary liaison to the unit's lodge or chapter. He meets the unit's needs by providing communications to and from all Arrowmen, Scouts who are not presently members of the Order, and adult leaders.

These efforts are meant to assist the unit and its members in achieving the mission of the Boy Scouts of America, and at the same time fulfilling the lodge's role in the Strategic Plan of the Order of the Arrow of being an integral part of the council.

OA Rep Adviser

The adviser helps to include the Order of the Arrow ideals and activities in the program of the troop/team. Be setting a good example, the adviser enhances the image of the Order as a service arm to the unit.

Service: The Foundation of our Organization

One of the founding principles of the order of the arrow is to provide service to the community and Cahuilla plans to do just that. There are many ways in which Cahuilla members provide service to the community and camps.

Both Emerson and Helendade have received services during vigil reunions, ordeals, OA summer days and work weekends. These services range from clean-ups, removing dead wood caused by the bark beetle, setting up camp for summer camp and other task that need to be done.

Ordeal Weekends

The ordeal weekends are a great time where Cahuilla provides services to its local camps. OA members work alongside the new candidates to clean up the camps and to improve the camps so that future scouts can enjoy the camps for all that they are worth.